Frequently Asked Questions


What are you doing to ensure data security and avoid loss or theft?

Several measures are in place to ensure unauthorized persons do not gain access to data.

We do business with Cloudflare, a leading cybersecurity provider. Cloudflare is a company compliant with the highest security standards. Cloudflare's mission is to protect web servers worldwide. So they're always up-to-date, on the lookout for new developments and new levels of security.

So, every two years at most, we have security audits carried out by external consultants specialized in this field who come and test our security.

Are you compliant with Canadian privacy laws?
GOrendezvous is compliant to:
  • Law 25 (Quebec)
  • LPRPSP (Québec)
  • PHIPA (Ontario)
  • LPRPDE (Canada)

All data is end-to-end encrypted, from transport to storage

Also, be aware that access to client accounts is limited only to GOrendezvous employees who need to access them as part of their job. Access is also limited to their working hours.


Do you have teleconsultation options?

Yes, GOrendezvous integrates seamlessly with Zoom.

When you start your meeting via Zoom, your client automatically receives a secure link by email inviting them to join your virtual meeting. Everything, including the email link and appointment scheduling, has been created to provide you and your clients with the greatest possible experience.

Are you adapted to the needs of large-volume clinics?

Yes. Our features are adapted to high-volume clinics with appointment management, reminders, billing, and charting, whether you have administrative help or not.

It’s best to try GOrendezvous for free. Your account manager will help you configure your account according to your operational needs.

Is it possible to manage the capacity of several rooms and equipment per professional?

Absolutely! GOrendezvous’ intelligence stands out! Once your account has been configured with your rooms and equipment, the appointments offered consider their availability.

This applies when your clients book an appointment online AND when you or a member of your team manually adds an appointment to the schedule.

Thanks to the “find an appointment” button, the platform ensures that the room and the equipment will be available for the appointment.

Can multiple professionals be managed simultaneously?

Sure. Each member of your team connects with their ID, and they can access their schedule from anywhere.

As an account administrator, you can set different permissions for each of them. GOrendezvous, in short, helps with professional management, including income reports, insurance receipts, charting, work schedules, etc.

Am I able to adjust the duration of appointments and the duration of time slots (several appointments at the same time)?

Yes. There are several customizable options to suit your appointment management preferences. For example, you can choose to have 3 clients at the same time every 15 minutes. You will be pleasantly surprised by all of the possibilities offered.

Do you have automatic integrated SMS reminders for each appointment?

Yes! If your client’s cellphone number is in their file, GOrendezvous sends an SMS reminder 1 to 5 days before their appointment, depending on your preference.

What’s unique about GOrendezvous is that your clients confirm their presence directly from the SMS reminder. When they do, a checkmark appears in the appointment box on your schedule, indicating that your client will be present.

According to our statistics, this feature can reduce missed appointments by 75% in a month.

Do you have automated email reminders for each appointment?

Yes! If the email address is in your client’s file, GOrendezvous sends a reminder 1 to 5 days before their appointment, depending on your preference.

What’s unique about GOrendezvous is that your clients confirm their presence directly from the email. In that case, a checkmark appears in the appointment box on your schedule, indicating that your client will be present.

According to our statistics, this feature can reduce missed appointments by 75% in a month.

Are you suited to manage multidisciplinary clinics?

Of course. As of January 2024, over 15,000 professionals are using GOrendezvous. The majority of our users are healthcare professionals who practice in the fields of chiropractic, massage therapy, physiotherapy, acupuncture, psychology, osteopathy, mental health, speech therapy, and kinesiology. Some clinics also offer group classes, such as yoga and Pilates.

In short, GOrendezvous adapts very well to the specific needs of different practices, which makes it an essential tool for multidisciplinary clinics.

Do you offer employee management?

Certainly. Each member of your team connects with their ID, and they can access their schedule from anywhere. As an account administrator, you can set different permissions for each of them. In short, GOrendezvous supports the management of professionals for revenue reports, insurance receipts, charting, work schedules, etc.

Does GOrendezvous work on tablets and mobile (Android, Apple)?

Yes, on a tablet, we suggest logging into GOrendezvous from a web browser. This way, you will be able to take advantage of all the features of the platform, in particular charting, which adapts very well to this type of device.

For mobile, we have a mobile app that is a light version of the platform and allows you to manage your daily operations such as appointments, receipts, and payments.

At what times do you do updates?

The development team does the updates at night, usually between midnight and two in the morning.

What is your base price?

Visit our pricing page for more details on our prices.

Reports and client lists

Is there a reminder or follow-up list for clients?

Yes, and it’s easy to generate. Thanks to our “client follow-up” report, you can search for clients who haven’t booked an appointment in the last few months. Then, you can export the list in Excel format and send a mass email with an email marketing solution like Mailchimp.

Is it possible to create email lists to send mass emails (newsletters, etc.)?

Yes, and it’s very simple. You can search for clients according to different filters (last appointment, professionals, etc.), export the list in Excel format, and send a mass email with an email marketing solution like Mailchimp.

Can I have a client report for the day?

Absolutely. You can have a daily client report and more. It’s very easy to use the different filters in your reports to get the information you need.


Do you offer organizational and copy assistance during a transition?

Absolutely! When you start, an account manager accompanies you during all the stages of your transition. They answer your questions, help you set up your account, and create templates for your charting.

Even after your start-up period, you will still have help from our customer service team, by chat, email, or phone!

Our team is known for being friendly and efficient. It’s been our trademark since our beginnings, and we are very proud of it.

Oh, and it’s FREE! :)

Electronic charting

How much storage is available for charting?

The amount of storage is unlimited with your charting subscription.

Do you allow attachments (X-rays, hard copies, etc.) to be added to files?

Yes. You can import different types of files (images, PDFs, audio, etc.) into your client’s folder.

Your client can also securely share files directly from their intake form. They are checked by an antivirus program, and then centralized in their client’s file.

Is it possible to import/export several folders at the same time?

For the moment, it is possible to import/export a client file, both in PDF format and to print it.

It’s in our plans to work on a feature that would allow the extraction of several client files at the same time. However, several factors must be taken into consideration. We have to find a way to do this that ensures the security and confidentiality of data, and supports the transfer of very large digital files.

What is the system’s external backup capacity? Is it possible to do a full backup at the end of the day?

Your data is protected, in particular, thanks to continuous backup copies. Our servers are hosted on Amazon Web Services (AWS) in Canada. AWS is recognized as one of the best hosting providers for a secure environment in the global industry. Here is its list of certifications.

For those who like technical details, here’s a little more inside information on what’s going on behind the scenes.

The data servers are redundant, which means that the two servers are continuously synchronized. Thus, if there is a hardware failure on a server, this would be automatically detected by AWS, and the data would be immediately switched to the other server.

Let’s imagine an unlucky and unlikely scenario where both servers stop working at the same time. AWS would retrieve the data and switch it to a new server.

All of this happens very quickly behind the scenes.

For GOrendezvous users, this is undetectable, and there is no platform downtime.

Rest assured that these are the best practices in data backup.

Does access to client files remain even if the subscription is cancelled?

Yes. We understand that many practices are governed by a professional order as well as a code of ethics, and that in these cases, it is essential that you have access to this data.

Even if you cancel your subscription, you can continue to log in to your GOrendezvous account in view-only mode. This way, you will be able to view or export the files and transmit them as needed.

Thus, GOrendezvous will continue to host your data for free.

You can re-subscribe at any time from your account, for example, to add one month, which will give you back access to your files in edit mode. We work in tandem with you. Do not hesitate to contact us.

Do you have the following options:
  • File creation/Client’s personal information chart

Yes, you can send an intake form to your client by email and have them complete it before their appointment. It’s an easy-to-use interface for your client. They can even join a document if necessary, such as a prescription or an X-ray in common formats (PDF, JPEG, etc).

All the information is centralized in their client’s file. If there are fields that are missing or that haven’t been completed by your client, you can complete them together during their visit.

  • Customizable SOAP note templates
  • Anamnesis and review of systems (previous health problems)
  • Examination chart (physical, radiological report)
  • Photos or images

Yes to everything! Template possibilities are unlimited on GOrendezvous.

You can build the charts you want with different types of fields: multiple-choice, tables, pain scale, vital signs, blank pages to draw, and a range of other options.

You can also import your images and annotate them.

For a quick start, you can pick from the templates that already exist in our library and modify them as you wish.

Your account manager is there for you and will be happy to help you create your electronic templates, free of charge.

Do you have the option to add our own form templates to the electronic charting?

Sure! The form template possibilities are unlimited on GOrendezvous.

You can build the forms you want with different types of fields: multiple-choice, images, tables, pain scale, vital signs, blank pages to draw, and a range of other options.

You can also import your images and annotate them. You can even pick from the templates in the form library and modify them.

Your account manager is there for you and will be happy to help you create your electronic form templates, free of charge.

Do the documents to fill out have a legal trace for audits (client and professional)?

Yes. GOrendezvous keeps a trail/history of changes by indicating the time, date, and name of the person who made changes.

Do you offer quick key programming (shortcuts)?

Yes. Filling in your charts will take less time thanks to the creation of lexicons with shortcut keys on your keyboard or tablet.

You can also use predictive writing: you enter your lexical fields, and GOrendezvous automatically completes your words when you start typing them.

Can I share information with other account professionals (subject to client authorization)?

Absolutely. You can share your client files with colleagues who work on the same GOrendezvous account as you. Several permission options are available

In sum, you choose

  • Which professional(s) you wish to share your client files with.
  • If you want to give access to a specific client file or all your client files.
  • Whether your colleague can view your charts as read-only, or whether they can make changes.
Do you have a link with an exercise-sharing platform directly in GOrendezvous?

Yes, we are now partnering with Wibbi (formerly Physiotec). You have access to this integration on our Premium plan or an older plan with charting.

Am I able to modify follow-ups?

Yes. You can edit follow-ups.

The history allows you to keep track of all the changes made to a client file by specifying who made the change, on what date, and at what time.

Is it possible to keep an inventory of products?

Yes! GOrendezvous offers an inventory in our Essential and Premium plans; you can bill your clients, manage your products and manage suppliers.


Can I export my annual revenue report for my taxes?

For your taxes, you can use the revenue report on GOrendezvous.

You can easily filter the report according to the necessary information, and then export it in Excel format.

Do you offer an option to send receipts by email?

Certainly! This is one of the first features offered on our platform since our launch in 2012.

You have several options:

  • You can create different receipt templates.
  • You can email the receipt to your client or print it.
  • You can also send a summary of all receipts issued to your client for a year, for example.


Can I file a claim directly with the insurers?

Yes, it’s possible to make a claim directly to the insurers. Our development team is finalizing our full integration with Telus eClaims.

How can I register?

To add eClaims to your GOrendezvous account, you can make an appointment HERE.

You must have an active TELUS eClaims account, to create one, click here: registration site. There is a 48-hour wait for an account to be activated.

How long does it take before the insurer responds?

You will see the insurer’s response in less than 2 minutes, in general, the responses are almost instantaneous.

How do I know if I am eligible?

You can check the list here to see if your profession is eligible.


We invite you to book a demo, with a member of our team, at the time of your convenience.

Click on the following link: BOOK A DEMO